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Uterine Rupture Lawsuit [2025]: Did Your Baby or Child Suffer Birth Injury or Complications From a Uterine Rupture?

uterine rupture Lawsuit Cases and Settlement Claims lawyers attorneys

If your baby suffered birth injury or complications from a uterine rupture, you may be entitled to recover compensation from a uterine rupture lawsuit case or settlement claim. Contact a uterine rupture birth injury lawyer to request a free case review.

A team of birth injury attorneys and personal injury lawyers is investigating uterine rupture birth injury lawsuit cases and settlement claims involving babies who suffered birth injuries or complications from a uterine rupture due to medical malpractice or negligence.

A uterine rupture is a type of birth injury in which the muscular wall of the uterus tears during childbirth (or in some cases, during pregnancy). If pressure in the birth canal during labor is too much, the womb can end up tearing, resulting in internal bleeding, umbilical cord compromise, and placental injury. A tear or hole in the uterus poses serious risks of injury and can be life threatening to both a baby and mother.

Uterine rupture is relatively rare, occuring in less than one percent of all pregnancies. However, in women with two or more prior cesarean sections, the rate of uterine rupture rises to as high as 3.9 percent.

Uterine Rupture Lawsuit Cases

Uterine rupture lawsuit and settlement cases potentially being investigated include claims involving babies who, due to possible medical malpractice or negligence, suffered birth injuries or complications from a uterine rupture, including the following:

Most uterine ruptures occur at the site or scar of a prior incision and often involve a vaginal birth after a cesarean delivery (VBAC). Rupture of the uterine can be a complete rupture (uterine contents are disrupted) or an incomplete rupture (the peritoneum overlying the uterus is intact).

Risk factors for uterine rupture include, among other things, induced labor, vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC), uterine scars, obstructed labor, trauma, cocaine use, malpresentation, breech extraction, vacuum extraction delivery, forcep delivery, labor augmentation with oxytocin, having had more than 3 children, maternal age, prolonged labor, macrosomia, carrying multiples, having a distended uterus, fibroid surgery (myomectomy), and uterine repair surgery, among others.

Uterine Rupture Medical Malpractice Claims

Uterine rupture malpractice lawsuit and settlement claims can include the failure of the birth doctor or OB-GYN to exercise reasonable care in diagnosing, treating, preventing and/or refraining from causing uterine rupture injury including, for example:

  • Failure to monitor for uterine rupture signs or symptoms
  • Failure to timely diagnose a uterine rupture
  • Failure to properly treat uterine rupture complications
  • Failure to make sure a baby gets sufficient oxygen
  • Failure to timely deliver newborn via emergency C-section
  • Failure to identify and monitor uterine rupture risk factors
  • Failure to order appropriate tests
  • Other medical malpractice or negligence cases

Uterine Rupture Signs, Symptoms or Complications

Uterine rupture signs, symptoms and complications can include, among others:

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Change in contractions
  • Pain between contractions
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Fetal bradycardia
  • Abnormal fetal heart rate
  • Rapid pulse
  • Low blood pressure
  • Slowed or stopped labor
  • Baby not as low in birth canal as before
  • Recession of fetal head in birth canal
  • Abnormal CTG
  • Loss of uterine muscle tone (uterine atony)
  • Change in site of fetal heart
  • Pain in the chest from irritation to diaphragm from internal bleeding
  • Bulge underneath the pubic bone
  • Fetal distress
  • Uterine window
  • Other uterine rupture symptoms, signs or complications

Complications or injuries to the mother from a uterine rupture can include hemorrhage, blood loss and even death.

Uterine Rupture Treatment

Uterine rupture treatment can include an emergency c-section delivery of the baby followed by repair of the uterus and in some cases, hysterectomy (removal of all or part of uterus), and/or blood transfusion.

Time Is Limited To File A Uterine Rupture Lawsuit. Connect With a Birth Injury Lawyer.

Deadlines known as statutes of limitation and statutes of repose may limit the amount of time that parents, families and other claimants have to file a uterine rupture lawsuit case to try to recover compensation for injuries or complications due to uterine rupture.

This means that if a uterine rupture lawsuit claim is not filed before the applicable time limit or deadline, the claimant may be barred from ever taking legal action or pursuing litigation regarding the uterine rupture birth injury claim. That is why it is important to connect with a uterine rupture birth injury lawyer or attorney as soon as possible.

If your child has suffered a birth injury from a uterine rupture, you may be entitled to recover compensation from a uterine rupture lawsuit or settlement. Contact a uterine rupture birth injury lawyer to request a free case review.

*If you or your child is experiencing health issues or complications, we urge you to promptly consult with your doctor or physician for an evaluation.

**The listing of a company or product is not meant to state or imply that the company acted illegally or improperly or that the product is unsafe or defective; rather only that an investigation may be, is or was being conducted to determine whether legal rights have been violated.

***The use of any trademarks, tradenames or service marks is solely for product identification and/or informational purposes.

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