If you or a loved one were injured by a dangerous, unsafe or defective product, a products liability lawyer or product defect attorney may be able to help you recover compensation from a products liability injury lawsuit or settlement.
A team of product defect and products liability personal injury lawyers and attorneys is investigating personal injury settlement claims of individuals and families who have suffered serious personal injuries or death from an unsafe, defective, or dangerous product.
Each year thousands of individuals and families may be injured or killed from unsafe, defective or dangerous products. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), every year in the United States consumer products are involved in an estimated 31 million injuries and an estimated 23,000 deaths.
Products Liability Lawyers & Attorneys
Unsafe, defective, dangerous and recalled product personal injury lawsuit and settlement claims are potentially being investigated by products liability injury lawyers and attorneys including the following:
- Drug injury lawyers
- Medical device injury attorneys
- Recall injury lawyers
- Talcum powder ovarian cancer lawyer
- Roundup lymphoma attorney
- Paraquat Parkinson’s disease attorney
- 3M combat arms earplugs attorney
- Juul vape attorney
- Baby formula necrotizing enterocolitis lawyer
- Similac NEC lawyer
- Enfamil NEC attorney
- Exactech implant lawyer
- Hair straightener cancer lawyer
- Camp Lejeune lawyer
- OneWheel injury attorney
- Junk food injury attorneys
- Other products liability attorneys
Product Defect Injury Claims
Products liability injury lawyers and attorneys are potentially investigating claims of injuries or death resulting from a defective, dangerous, unsafe or recalled product, including the following:
Children’s product defects
- Toy injury
- Playground equipment injury
- Bicycle injury
- Clothing
- Furniture
- Crib injury
- Baby food injury
- Nursery equipment
- Other child product defect
Automobile and auto defects
- Cars
- Trucks
- SUVs
- Other vehicle defects
Automotive parts defects
- Airbags
- Tires
- Seatbelts
- Child safety seats
Household product defects
- Stoves
- Furnaces
- Water heaters
- Garage doors
- Knives
- Lamps and lights
- Toasters
- Shades and blinds
- Computers
- Stools
Outdoor product defects
- Lawn mowers
- Weed killers
- Power tools
- Household chemicals
- Chain saws
- Generators
- Swimming pools
- Drain covers
- Snowblowers
- Yard tractors
- Trimmers
- Hand garden tools
- Hatchets and axes
- Lawn and garden equipment
Sports & recreational product defects
- ATVs, mopeds, minibikes, etc.
- Amusement park attractions and rides
- Golf carts
- Tennis racquets
- Bicycles
- Bicycles helmets
- Tents
- Diving masks
- Camping equipment
- Excercise equipment
- Climbing carabiners
- Fireworks
Medical devices & medical product defects
- Surgical mesh
- PET scans
- Knee replacement implants
- Hip replacement implant
- Stents
Drug, medicine & medication defects
- Prescription drugs
- Medicines and Rx
Food product contamination
- Ecoli
- Listeria
Defective, Dangerous, & Unsafe Product Injuries, Losses & Damage.
If you or a loved one suffered serious injury or death as a result of a dangerous, defective or unsafe product, you may be able to bring a personal injury case or wrongful death lawsuit and recover compensation from product manufacturer or other person, company or entity at fault or responsible for the product defect.
If You Or A Loved One Have Been Injured Due To A Dangerous, Defective, or Unsafe Product And Think You May Qualify For A Personal Injury Lawsuit Or Settlement, Contact Product Defect & Products Liability Lawyer Or Attorney.
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