If Your Bones Were Broken Or Fractured In An Accident, A Broken Bone Fracture Injury Lawyer or Attorney May Be Able to Help You Recover Compensation from a Broken Bone or Bone Fracture Lawsuit Case or Settlement Claim.
A team of broken bone fracture injury lawyers & personal injury attorneys is investigating personal injury lawsuit cases and settlement claims of individuals whose bones were broken or fractured as a result of a personal injury accident.
Every year millions of individuals break or fracture their bones in personal injury accidents. According to the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey & American Academy of Orthopaedic, more than 6.3 million Americans experience broken bones and bone fracture injuries each year. There are approximately 3.5 million visits made to hospital emergency departments for broken bones and bone fractures each year and approximately 887,679 hospitalizations that result each year from broken bones and bone fractures.
If you or a loved one broke or fractured your bones in a personal injury accident, contact a broken bone and bone fracture injury attorney or lawyer.
Broken Bone Fracture Injury Lawyers & Attorneys
Broken bone and bone fracture injury lawsuit and settlement claims being potentially investigated include claims of persons who broke or fractured their bones as a result of someone else ‘s negligent, careless, reckless or willful conduct, including among others, the following types of broken bone accident injury cases and claims:
- bones broken or fractured as a result of a motor vehicle accident, car accident, auto accident or tractor trailer accident, etc.
- bones broken or fractured in a slip & fall accident
- bones broken or fractured injured at work or on the job
- bones broken or fractured participating in a sporting event or playing a sport (i.e., sports injuries)
- bones broken or fractured from recreational activities (i.e., diving in shallow water).
- bones broken or fractured from medical malpractice of a doctor or hospital
- bones broken or fractured from an act of violence (i.e., gun shot or knife wound to the spine)
- bones broken or fractured in other types of personal injury accidents
- other types of broken bone and bone fractures injury lawsuit cases and settlement claims.
Types Of Broken Bones & Fractures. What Kind Of Bone Did You Break or Fracture?
Broken bones and fractures include cracks (such as a hairline fracture and stress fracture) and complete breaks and separation (such as a compound fracture). Bone fractures that result in bone fragments protruding through the skin are known as “open” fractures (which may have a higher risk of infection), while those that do not break through the skin are known as “closed” fractures. Other types of fractures include incomplete fractures, linear fractures, transverse fractures, oblique fractures, spiral fractures, comminuted fractures and impacted fractures.
Broken bones and fractures can occur in any bone in the skeletal system, though some types of breaks are more common than others. Common broken bone and bone fractures may include, but are not limited to, the following broken bones and fractures:
- skull fracture (fractured basilar, blowout or orbit, mandibular, nasal, Le Fort)
- spinal fracture (fractured cervical, Jefferson fracture, Hangman’s fracture, flexion teardrop fracture, clay-shoveler fracture, burst, compression, chance, Holdsworth fracture, neck fracture or broken neck)
- rib fracture (fractured ribs)
- sternal fracture (fractured sternum)
- shoulder fractured (fractured clavical or scapular)
- arm fracture (fractured upper arm or humerus, supracondylar fracture, Holstein-Lewis fracture, forearm, ulnar, Monteggia fracture, Hume fracture, radius, Essex-Lopresti fracture, distal radius, Galeazzi fracture, Colles fracture, Smith’s fracture, Barton’s fracture
- hand fracture (fractured hand, Rolando fracture, Bennett’s fracture, Boxer’s fracture, metacarpal fracture)
- wrist fracture and broken wrist (fractured wrist, scaphoid fracture, carpal fracture, lunate, triqetral, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, cappitate and hamate)
- finger or thumb fracture or broken finger or thumb (fractured finger or thumb, phalange fracture
- hip fracture and broken hip (fractured pelvic bone, Duverney fracture, femoral fracture, femur)
- knee fracture or broken knee bone (fractured knee, patella fracture)
- leg fracture or broken leg (fractured leg, crus fracture, tibia fracture, fibula, fibular fracture, bumper, Segond, Gosselin, Toddler’s, Maisonneuve, Bosworth, Trimalleolar, Bimalleolar, Pott’s fracture)
- ankle fracture and broken ankle (fractured ankle)
- foot fracture or broken foot (fractured foot, Lisfranc fracture, Jones fracture, March fracture, Calcaneal fracture, metatarsal fracture, tarsus, talus)
- toe fracture or broken toe (fractured toe, phalange fracture)
Causes Of Broken Bones & Bone Fractures. What Caused Your Broken Bone Or Fracture?
Bone fractures may be caused as a result of a forceful impact or stress from trauma or less forceful impact or stress upon individuals with medical conditions such as bone cancer or osteoporosis.
Do You Have A Broken Bone or Bone Fracture Personal Injury Lawsuit Case Or Settlement Claim?
If you or a loved one suffered a fracture or broken bone injuries as a result of someone else’s negligence, carelessless, recklessness or willfulness, you may be able to recover compensation for the broken bone injury you suffered in a personal injury lawsuit or settlement and hold the responsible person, company or entity at fault accountable for their conduct.
If Your Bones Were Broken Or Fractured In An Accident, Contact A Broken Bone or Bone Fracture Personal Injury Attorney or Lawyer. You May Be Entitled To Compensation In A Broken Bone or Bone Fracture Personal Injury Lawsuit or Settlement.
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