If You Or A Loved One Were Injured in An Airplane Crash or Aviation Accident, a Plane Crash Lawyer or Attorney May Be Able To Help You Recover Compensation From a Plane Crash Lawsuit or Settlement.
A team of plane crash injury lawyers and personal injury lawyers is investigating personal injury lawsuit claims of individuals and families who have suffered serious personal injuries or death from an aviation, airplane, jet, helicopter or other aviation accident or crash.
Types Of Airplane & Aviation Accident Personal Injury Cases & Airplane & Aviation Settlement Claims.
Aviation & airplane crashes & accident lawsuit claims being investigated potentially include those involving persons who were injured or died as a result of an aviation or airplane accident or crash, such as:
- an airplane crash or accident
- a propeller aircraft crash or accident
- a jet plane crash or accident
- a helicopter crash or accident
- a hot air balloon crash or accident
- a hang glider crash or accident
- other aircraft crashes or accidents
Causes Of Airplane & Aviation Accidents. What Caused Your Airplane or Aviation Accident or Crash?
Aviation & airplane accidents and crashes can be potentially caused by:
- airplane pilot or flight crew errors & mistakes, carelessness, negligence or recklessness
- pilot incapacitation
- aircraft design flaws
- mechanical failure & faulty airplane equipment (i.e., engine failure, de-icing issues)
- failure to follow National Transportation Safety Board (“NTSB”) and Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) safety regulations and standards
- air traffic control & air traffic controller negligence, error, carelessness or recklessness
- failure to maintain & repair air plane or aircraft
- insufficient fuel (i.e., plane ran out of fuel)
- dangerous weather that could have been avoided (ice, freezing, lightning, storms, hail, hurricanes, tornadoes)
- failure to protect against sabotage or hijacking (i.e., explosive devices)
- bird strikes (i.e., plane or engine struck by birds)
- airplane or aircraft cargo hold fire or cabin fires
Airplane & Aviation Accident Injuries. How Were You Injured In An Aviation Accident Or Crash?
Common injuries suffered by persons involved in airplane, helicopter, jet plane, propeller aircraft and other aviation accidents or crashes can potentially include, among other things, the following personal injuries:
- head injury, trauma or concussion
- spine injury
- brain damage
- broken and fractured bones
- sprained, strained or torn muscles, ligaments or tendons
- dislocations & dislocated joints
- burns & burn injury
- heart attacks & strokes
- asphyxiation
- paralysis
- emotional distress
- wrongful death
If You Or A Loved One Have Been Injured Or Someone You Love Has Died In An Aviation Accident Or Airplane Crash And Think You Have A Personal Injury Lawsuit Case, Contact A Plane Crash Lawyer or Attorney.
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